Member-only story
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Sadducees. Were it not for them, we might not know about the topic of marriage in A Good Place, heaven, or whatever similar term you may use.
It has likely crossed the minds of some who have had multiple marriages that, should they be so fortunate as to find themselves in that place, and some of their spouses, too, which of them they would partner with.
As it turns out, none.
Or all.
Not necessarily in the sense of our understanding of union here.
One (but by no means the only) reason for marriage on Earth is propagation of the race. The admonition to ‘be fruitful and multiply’ applied to our specific planet after the Fall and may not have applied elsewhere.
We are given to understand there will be no death — or birth — in the good afterlife.
Probably no sex as we understand it. Such was only sanctioned within the context of marriage here.
Perhaps what will be will be better.
Another reason for marriage is companionship. Although not directly addressed, loneliness will probably not be an issue in the New Earth.
Deleterious factors — jealousy, incompatibility, disagreements, the potential to hurt or be hurt, to name but some — which…