The Gravid State of Elizabeth Holmes

S M Chen
4 min readMar 13, 2021

Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos and one-time (at least on paper) multibillionaire, is slated to go on trial for federal fraud. At some point.

This is of at least passing interest to those who follow the news and perhaps of greater interest to erstwhile investors in Theranos, which includes some names you would likely recognize were I to list them.

Having been less than prudent in some of my past investments, I am in no position to cast stones, however.

As a quick reminder, Theranos was the Silicon Valley company which was going to revolutionize laboratory testing. From a small amount of patient blood (no more than might be obtained by pinprick), it was supposed to be able to make diagnoses and guide treatment. This was going to rival sliced bread and the wheel in importance. Or so it seemed.

Holmes was a Stanford dropout. Emulating a few elites who, having dropped out of Ivy League schools, went on to fame and fortune, she dressed in all-black during her meteoric rise.

I’m not sure what she wore during her fall.

For the problem with Theranos since inception was that it was a fraud. Its claims were baseless and it deservedly eventually joined some other failed ventures in the ash heap of history.



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