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News item: “Donald Trump jabs back after Vladimir Putin jokingly backs Kamala Harris”
Here’s one reference:
Donald Trump is not subtle.
Whereas some politicians seem to strive, with varying success, for subtlety, he does not.
Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, can be subtle.
Crafty subtle, perhaps like the serpent in the garden of Eden, but subtle nonetheless.
Look at his smile, such as it is. Is this a man a prudent person would buy a used car from?
So one could be excused for being confused by Putin’s latest (supposed) endorsement of Kamala Harris in the upcoming U.S. Presidential election.
And Trump, perhaps one of the Kremlin’s most prominent ‘useful idiots,’ could be excused for not knowing whether to feel insulted or grateful for Putin’s endorsement.
A simple man, he too may aspire to disinformation, but he is not necessarily a quick study.
He came from a different background than most Russians.
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
His inherited wealth (from his father) and privileged upbringing most Russians could only…